• Do you spend more time chasing after people than doing actual work?

  • Is project management software more a nuisance than help?

  • Dozens of notifications, dashboards and options to choose from?

Meet pm.bot:

A virtual Project Manager for effective communication and coordination


  • Transparency: Keeps all stakeholders informed about what is actually being worked on, reducing the risk of tasks being incorrectly deprioritized

  • Flexibility: Allows team members to have a say in priority settings, making the tool adaptive to the dynamic nature of project work

  • Communication: Facilitates ongoing dialogue between team members and project leaders, ensuring that priorities align with broader project goals and immediate needs

pm.bot proactively reaches out to team members on Slack about potential issues in ongoing projects

pm.bot understands natural language and context and is capable of taking a range of actions

Provides regular updates on progress made and issues where you attention is truly required

Click here to learn more about pm.bot features